Saturday, November 15, 2008


Oxygen is the fountain of life. We can survive for days without food and water, but will die in six minutes if we are deprived of oxygen. It is a necessary ingredient as our body produces millions of new cells to replace those lost through the metabolic process everyday.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Win Rei Shi

Moreover, besides ensuring proper functioning of vitamins, oxygen is also essential in preventing cancer as it neutralises carcinogenic substances, produced by the metabolism of fatty acids, into harmless substances.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Guasa Series

However, modern lifestyles and industrial pollution often deprive us of oxygen, without us being aware. This interrupts the metabolic process and cell renewals, leaving us susceptible to chronic conditions.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

ELKEN MRT Step 2 aims to increase our oxygen intake through supplements, to effectively improve oxygen supplies in our blood circulation. (Molecular Reform Therapy)

Win Aerobic Oxygen

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