Saturday, November 15, 2008


Contrary to popular beliefs, chronic illness is NOT a part of the ageing process. In fact, our body possesses the power to heal itself, if it receives constant nourishment, revitalisation and are able to carry out required bodily mechanisms.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Dr Diet

We, however, are prone to compromising our health by not supplying our body of sufficient rest, nutrition, oxygen, detoxification and water. It renders our body vulnerable to metabolic disorders such as enzyme deficiency, which leads to indigestion and underweight problems, as well as metabolic disorders, which can combine with endocrine disorder to cause obesity. (Molecular Reform Therapy) These are not ideal states of health.

LD Esteem

A further lack of health regulation erodes our body's self-healing ability, thus weakening our resistance against illnesses and diseases.


ELKEN MRT Step 4 promotes health regulation as the most effective means of regaining control of our health through the consumption of nourishing and strengthening products (Molecular Reform Therapy) for an elevated state of well-being – coupled by laughter, the world's best medicine, still.

Molecular Reform Therapy


We need to clean and detoxify our body everyday, for food that is undigested and unabsorbed would end up forming ‘toxic wastes' which can permeate our intestinal walls, be reabsorbed into blood capillaries and reach all parts of our bodies - thus increasing our risks of developing chronic illnesses. (Molecular Reform Therapy)

Fujita Lactose-S

While the problem often presents itself as ordinary constipation, its destructive force is further suggested by the findings of a Japanese research on the gastrointestinal system. (Molecular Reform Therapy) It reported six to ten pounds of stubborn stool-remains in our body despite daily bowel movements.

In addition, the World Health Organization has forecasted colon cancer to be the number one cancer killer disease in developed countries in recent years. (Molecular Reform Therapy) This discomforting fact has led to many medical professionals to openly declare colon cleansing as a route to longevity.


ELKEN MRT Step 3 aims to dispel this health threat by introducing a natural and effective method to detoxify our body. (Molecular Reform Therapy)

Molecular Reform Therapy


Oxygen is the fountain of life. We can survive for days without food and water, but will die in six minutes if we are deprived of oxygen. It is a necessary ingredient as our body produces millions of new cells to replace those lost through the metabolic process everyday.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Win Rei Shi

Moreover, besides ensuring proper functioning of vitamins, oxygen is also essential in preventing cancer as it neutralises carcinogenic substances, produced by the metabolism of fatty acids, into harmless substances.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Guasa Series

However, modern lifestyles and industrial pollution often deprive us of oxygen, without us being aware. This interrupts the metabolic process and cell renewals, leaving us susceptible to chronic conditions.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

ELKEN MRT Step 2 aims to increase our oxygen intake through supplements, to effectively improve oxygen supplies in our blood circulation. (Molecular Reform Therapy)

Win Aerobic Oxygen



To maintain optimum health, our bodies need 46 essential types of nutrients on a daily basis. Also known as 'metabolic nutrients', the 46 essential nutrients consist of :

8 types of essential amino acids
8 types of vitamins and
20 types of minerals

Win EPA 1000

As their functions are closely inter-linked, it is vital for one to ensure a balanced intake of all 46 essential nutrients on a daily basis. (Molecular Reform Therapy) On the other hand, long-term inadequate intake has been linked to metabolic disturbances at cellular level and a higher chance of developing chronic diseases.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Reportedly, about one third of cancer deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented with proper nutrition. This fact is further complicated by the prevalence of chemically-enhanced food and binge-eating habits in the modern living.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

The ELKEN MRT Step 1 thus aims to correct and prevent this nutrition imbalance by the means of nutrition supplement where it is necessary.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Elken Spirulina

Molecular Reform Therapy


What is Molecular Reform Therapy ?

Molecular reform therapy was formulated by Two times, Nobel Prize winner Linus pauling in 1975. Molecular reform therapy is a self management of ones health based on holistic approach to insure that the cells are being nourished adequately which will in turn leads to Optimum functioning of the body and reinforce our immune system. (Molecular Reform Therapy)
Molecular reform therapy has four major components.

1.) Detoxification- To remove waste and toxins from the body. (Non digestive and other chemical toxins must be eliminated from the body)
2.) Increasing Oxygen intake to enhance metabolism.
3.) Balance Nutrition -To supply the body with all essential nutrients (Need 49nutrients daily to perform the proper function. )
4.) Heath Regulation - To promote mental heath and health restoration. Welcome to a lifestyle of good health while sleeping.

Introducing PURO GOLD foot patch , The safe , effective and painless solution to detox yours body.
Puro gold patches are only foot patches with negative ions are good for you. (Molecular Reform Therapy) Negative ions are abundant where nature is unspoilt i.e. mountains, sea side, caves, waterfall., after thunderstorm etc Negative ions refresh the body.

The 21st century – it marks remarkable milestones in technological progress, yet it also marks an era when potent strains of viruses, modern diseases and epidemics spread waves of panic on a global scale.

Adding to that, the six problems of the modern age, namely air pollution, water contamination, daily stress, a lack of exercise, erratic lifestyles and an unbalanced diet further act on our semi-healthy condition, weakening its natural healing ability.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

With an understanding of modern needs, ELKEN's approach to optimal health, through a four-step process based on Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) concept, is now acknowledged as one of the most acceptable therapy concept for modern living.

A brainchild of the U.S. Congress's Special Committee of Nutrient Investigation (SCNI) established in 1975, the MRT concept was first introduced through a 5,000-pages report titled Elements Required by Human and Nutrients fronted by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling after an in-depth study on nutrition.(Molecular Reform Therapy)

Also known as the Cell Reform Therapy, the MRT advocates that the human body will not fall sick as long as the body cells are receiving balanced nutrients regularly – free from metabolic abnormalities at cellular level. Accordingly, The ELKEN MRT emphasizes on feeding the body with four life-supporting elements to achieve optimal health.(Molecular Reform Therapy)